Florian Huwyler

Florian Huwyler
Student / Programme Doctorate at D-MAVT
Additional information
Florian Huwyler completed his Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering at ETH Zürich where he conducted his Bachelor thesis in the laboratory of transport processes and reactions under the guidance of Prof. Philipp Rudolf von Rohr. Later on, he studied at Imperial College London, where he joined Prof. James Moore's lab for a summer project. Back in Switzerland, he continued to work for Prof. Bradley Nelson where he completed his semester thesis. Finally, Florian joined the Macromolecular Engineering Lab for his master thesis where he also graduated with a Master's degree in mechanical engineering under the supervision of Prof. Mark W. Tibbitt. To gain further experience in the biomedical engineering field, Florian worked as a R&D engineer for Liver4Life before he joined the Macromolecular Engineering Lab as a PhD student in autumn 2021.