MEL Tibbitt EN
Congrats Lorenza for Early Investigator Award!

Börte and Lorenza participated at the 4th Growth Factors in Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine Conference in Mexico. They presented their work on Microgels for wound healing and 3D platforms to study fibroblast homestasis. It was an amazing conference with great speakers and the opportunity to discuss and brainstorm with top level researchers!
Congrats to Stéphane for his award as Best Poster at the 5th Young Scientist Symposium of the SSB+RM

We are very proud about the design skills he has and shares with all the lab. Congrats also to all other winners!
Gabriela and Céline in "Advancing 3R - Animals, Research and Society"
Gabriela and Céline participated in the Kick-off meeting of the SNF National Research Program on "Advancing 3R - Animals, Research and Society" in Bern. It was the chance to meet all other teams involved in the program with many diverse topics about how to reduce, refine, and replace the use of animal experimentation in scientific processes.
Congrats Lisa!
Congratulations Lisa for defending her doctoral thesis on vasculature models!